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Our CSA in brief:

Season-Our season runs from May to October. You can also sign up for an additional Holiday Share which will be delivered around Thanksgiving.

 What we offer-a full share should supply a family of 3 a week's worth of vegetables. We also offer fruit and flowers for part of the season (about half the shares will contain fruit and/or flowers). Shares are delivered weekly and typically include 10-12 different items per week.

SNAP benefits-there is a great program that makes CSA membership affordable for SNAP families. Sign up is easy! Click here for more info, or contact us for more details.

Solstice Share-new for 2018! This share will include a seasonal wreath, storage crops, honey and nuts and will be delivered around late November.  Pricing and more details will be posted later in the 2018 season.


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Share size-you can purchase a full or a half share. Half shares are typically split with another member-we are happy to match make-it is up to you whether you want to split shares every week or alternate weeks, or split the season down the middle. Split shares are great for those who like to travel, or smaller households.

Pricing-a full share for 2016 is $620. 

Half shares are $340.

Drop Locations

SE Portland: near Mt Tabor (location TBA),

SW Portland: near HWY 10 and Bertha Boulevard.